About the company
State-of-the-art equipment, which allows manufacturing a wide range of products for the consumer, is installed at the enterprise.
Currently, the factory produces and sells cheese, dairy butter, cream and plant spread, plant and cream spread, plant and fat spread with different fat content, as well as curd. The products manufactured are not only goods for the consumer but also raw materials for producing and processing by other enterprises.
HACCP system
The HACCP system is used to protect the company from biological, chemical, physical and other risks of contamination.
High Quality
Stable high quality of the products. It’s ensured by the multilevel control system.
Sales geography
As for today – over 6 federal districts and over 5 republics.
Natural components
We choose only natural high-quality raw materials meeting technical regulations.
Thanks to the products’ high quality, even the most demanding consumers can find their favorite taste in the range of our products.
The cooperation of the enterprise’s technologists and sales department employees made it possible to develop the product range meeting all the price segments. For the consumer’s convenience, the enterprise uses various packing both for packed (foil, parchment, ecolean) and weight products (corrugated flute boxes of different capacities from 5 to 20 kg). As for today, packed products performance is to 4000 kg/h.
All the products are made in strict accordance with GOST and only from high-quality raw materials, as well as in line with thetechnical regulation of Customs Union On Safety of Milk and Milk Products (TR CU 033/2013). The quality control of incoming raw materials and finished goods is carried out both using our own resources at the enterprise and in cooperation with an independent laboratory.
The quality control of incoming raw materials and finished goods is carried out both using our own resources at the enterprise and in cooperation with an independent laboratory. Currently, the HACCP system is being adopted at the enterprise. This is an effective management tool, which is used to protect an enterprise (brand) when promoting products on the market and protect manufacturing processes from biological (microbiological), chemical, physical and other risks of contamination.
The majority of enterprise’s employees are young talented specialists who improve their knowledge in the area of manufacturing foodstuff and work not only according to traditional formulations but also enhance them in line with the consumer’s modern requirements.
Today the enterprise’s sales geography covers Central Federal District, Northwestern Federal District, Southern Federal District, Volga Federal District, the Republic of Crimea, Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts, Lugansk People's republic, Donetsk People's republic. The enterprise also prepares for the opportunity to sell its products abroad: Customs Union countries (Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia, Kirghizia), Azerbaijan, etc.